Construction Accident

Practice Areas

When Do You Need a Construction Accident Attorney?

When Should You Hire a Construction Accident Attorney?

Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers are killed or injured in construction accidents throughout the United States. Unfortunately, Birmingham is not exempted from this fact. Construction sites can be very dangerous places for a variety of reasons. Oftentimes they are home to many hazards not usually found at the common workplace.

Construction companies are responsible for inspecting each site with their safety engineers and providing safety programs to prevent injury. Still, these types of accidents still occur due to both inadequate safeguards and lack of safety policies.

Since the inception of Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C., our attorneys have represented numerous individuals who have been severely injured in construction accidents. We have realized great results through settlements and verdicts on behalf of these individuals.

If you or a loved one were involved in a Birmingham construction accident, please contact the Birmingham Construction Accident Attorneys of Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C. at (205) 322-8880 for a free consultation.

What Are the Top Construction Worksite Safety Violations?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the top 10 construction worksite safety violations in 2019 involved:

– Construction fall protection issues
– Communication of hazard standards
– Control of hazardous energy
– Respiratory protection violations
– Construction ladder safety
– Powered industrial trucks
– Training for fall protection
– Machinery and machine guarding
– Eye and face protection

What Are Common Causes of Construction Accidents?

Construction accident injuries can result from errors in judgment, faulty equipment, falls from scaffolds, being struck by falling materials or machinery, defective or unreasonably unsafe equipment, chemical leaks or explosions, electrical accidents, electrocution injuries, and/or the failure to use certain safety equipment. These types of accidents can often result in catastrophic injuries that can lead to complete loss of earning potential.

Due to the nature of such losses, construction accident injury victims often need to file a lawsuit so they can recover damages for the losses caused by the injuries.

Why Should You Hire a Construction Accident Attorney?

You should consider hiring an attorney for two main reasons:Construction accidents are unique. Construction involves different risks than other types of jobs or settings.

– Construction hazards typically involve high rises, dangerous tools, and unique machinery that often needs special training or certification to handle.

– Construction accident injuries can be highly severe. Construction site accidents can involve falling from heights, exposure to different chemicals, being struck by large falling objects like steel beams, and other injuries. Lawsuits for these types of injuries typically require the professional assistance of a lawyer.

Also, several different parties may be liable for a construction employee’s injuries. This can include employers, forepersons, co-workers, contractors and subcontractors, and product manufacturers. When it comes to cases involving multiple parties, legal representation by a construction accident lawyer becomes all the more important.

How Can You Contact a Construction Accident Lawyer?

Construction accident lawsuits can be daunting, and you might not know where to start. You might have unanswered questions and feel you have a claim, but don’t know where to begin.

You should contact a construction accident attorney if any of the following apply:

– You believe you were injured due to someone else’s negligence.
– Your employer forced you to work under conditions that were unsafe or hazardous.
– You were specifically instructed to engage in conduct that was illegal.
– You were forced to use tools that were dangerous, recalled, or defective.
– You have already filed a complaint internally with HR, but nothing has happened.
– Your employer has indicated that they would fire or punish you if you filed a report.
– Your insurance or a workers’ compensation claim won’t cover all the damages.
– You notice several other employers having similar complaints.
– You want more information about your legal rights.

You should contact an Alabama construction accident lawyer if you suspect you have a legal claim. As with all personal injury cases, there are filing deadlines associated with construction accident lawsuits. Any delay could cause you to miss the filing window, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need representation.

Construction accident cases require attorneys who are experienced in construction accident litigation and who are extremely familiar with the state and federal regulations covering the safe work practices in this industry.If you were involved in a Birmingham construction accident, contact Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C. at (205) 322-8880 for a free consultation.

What Can a Construction Accident Lawsuit Settlement Mean For You?

Construction accident injuries can create a host of financial challenges for the victim. They will be facing substantial medical bills, lost work wages, and other losses. A monetary damages award from a construction accident lawsuit can help the injured person recover losses for:

– Costs of hospital stays and medications
– Expenses associated with surgery and rehab
– Loss of wages
– Loss of future earning capacity
– Pain and suffering
– Various other costs

The amount of damages received depends on several factors, including the nature and severity of the injuries, and the degree of negligence shown by the liable party. The skill and capabilities of the attorney handling the case also play a major role in obtaining damages. For this reason, it’s best to work with a lawyer who has proven experience and success with construction accident litigation.

How Can You Hire a Construction Accident Lawyer Today?

Construction accidents can both be serious and permanently put a person out of work. If you or a loved one has been injured while working at a construction site, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in your area.

At Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C., we have the experience and resources needed to help you obtain the damages and justice to which you are entitled. We have been in operation since 1986, and have recovered over $820 million on behalf of our clients.

Get started on your free, confidential consultation by contacting us at (205) 322-8880. We treat all of our clients with the utmost care and sympathy, and work hard to receive the best possible results.

Selecting the right attorney for your lawsuit is crucial for the outcome of your case. When choosing a lawyer to represent you, consider the following criteria:

- The lawyer’s experience in handling construction accident cases
- How long they have been practicing as an attorney
- Whether they have any expertise handling specific subsets of construction accident cases (such as fall injury cases or hazardous material cases)
- How well they communicate and respond to you

An initial consultation will usually help you determine how the lawyer speaks, interacts with you, and approaches construction accident claims. At Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C., our initial consultations are free and confidential. Call us today at (205) 322-8880to schedule your consultation.

You can ask a construction attorney any question that you need an answer to regarding your case. You should understand that lawyers are obligated to keep your discussions completely private and confidential. You can ask questions such as:

- What documents do you need from me?
- How long do you think the case will take?
- Am I entitled to damages?
- Who is responsible for my injuries?
- When will I meet with you again?

There is no such thing as a “wrong question.” In fact, the more questions you ask at a consultation, the better your understanding of the process will be.

A construction accident lawyer should first of all be well-versed and knowledgeable in the laws governing such cases. These include federal, state, and local laws related to construction accidents.

They should also be familiar with the various government agencies that help to regulate construction work, such as OSHA. Also, they should have direct experience with the local courthouse(s) where your case may be heard. At Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C., our attorneys have the knowledge and experience needed to successfully handle your claim. Get in touch with us at (205) 322-8880 to get started.