What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Car Accident
Stop their vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so
Check on all drivers and passengersStay at the scene immediately after the accident occurs
Provide basic first aid and/or get emergency medical help for anyone in need Call police and wait for them to arrive
Exchange information Identify and talk to witnesses
Contact insurance companies
Fight the urge to chase after them, since that means you’re leaving the scene of the accident, as well. Here’s what to do when you’re a victim of a hit-and-run accident.
Call Police
You should contact police so they can:
File a police report with your side of the story of how the accident happened
Talk to witnesses who may have seen what the other driver looked like or what the license plate number was, or who will be able to provide identifying details about the driver’s car and what happened during the accidentMatch up any details that are provided with individuals or cars police have on file
Gather Witness Information
Some witnesses might want to leave the scene themselves. If a witness is going to leave, ask them to write down a statement of what happened during the accident and sign it. Your insurance company and/or Birmingham car accident attorney can contact them for more information.
Document the Scene
Get Medical Treatment
Keep organized records of all medical treatments and how your injury progresses. These are vital documents should decide to file a car accident claim.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney If the Offender Is Found
If you’ve been involved in a hit-and-run accident and want to pursue legal action against a party that has been identified, contact the Pittman, Dutton, Hellums, Bradley & Mann, P.C. car accident attorney team for a free consultation.